Introduction to Mathematics

“The abstract science of number, quantity, and space, either as abstract concepts (pure mathematics), or as applied to other disciplines such as physics and engineering (applied mathematics)” Oxford Dictionary of English 3rd Edition, OUP, 2010 Mathematics makes it possible to observe, consider and appreciate parts and aspects of entities with precision, to make comparisons and establish …

Group 3: Counting

Linear Counting (Group 3) Introduction The names of the numbers are introduced in Group 1 with the ‘Formation of Numbers’ when the Director checks the correspondence of the quantities with the card, she uses the conventional names for the tens and combinations of tens and units. As the child works with the decimal system she …

Group 5: Towards Abstraction

Passage to Abstraction – (Group V)  Since beginning Mathematics as a sensorial exploration of Multiples of Variables and Groups, the child has handled successively more abstract representations of quantity using the Golden Beads, Stamps and Dots.  She has applied the operations to these representations of quantities, manipulating them to perform dynamic shifts from one category …

Group 6: Fractions

Fractions Material Description: Ten green frames each with a circular red inset – one inset is whole, the others are divided into equal parts, each part having a knob Printed slips – one set with symbols of fractions, another with labels for common denominators A set of questions for the operations Working Mat and felt …