Care of Person


Material Description:

There are three cords of different colours about one and a half feet long, weighed down and joined at one end and attached to a box. The plat should be wrapped around the weight and carried to the working mat for stages 1 and 2, where it is unrolled, for stages 3 and 4 the plait hangs from the wall and should not be removed.

  • There are four stages of plaiting

Stage 1 – A heavy box of wood with three cords one half centimetre thick in three different colours, attached to the block

Stage 2 – A heavy box of wood with three cords one half centimetre thick attached to the block

Stage 3 – A strong ring or bangle which can be suspended at the child’s height with thin silk or wooden strands the number of strands should be divisible by three and each third in a different colour

Stage 4 – A strong ring or bangle which can be suspended at the child’s height with thin silk or wooden strands the number of strands should be divisible by three



  • To undo the plait
  • Place the weight at the base of the working mat and roll the weight so that the plait is unraveled and lies along the centre of the working mat
  • With the right hand only take the central cord between the index and thumb and move it  over the overlapping cord, place it down above and parallel  to the first cord it had overlapped
  • Take the end of the cord which has just been revealed and place it over the cord on the other side
  • Take the end of the cord which has just been revealed and place it over the cord on the other side
  • Repeat this with the next strands, keeping them close together as they will spread out more as the plait unravels


  • When the plait is unraveled spread the three cords, one to the left, one in the centre, one to the right


  • To make a plait
  • With the right hand place the middle cord under the cord to the right, keeping it close and parallel
  • Take the top right cord towards the end between the index and thumb
  • Bring it up and place it under the left cord, close and parallel
  • Take the upper left cord and bring it beneath the one on the right
  • Continue till the plait is complete


  • Roll the weight over the plait and replace on the shelf




Points of Interest:

  • For stages 1 and 2 only use the right hand
  • To begin each plait put the middle cord or section to one side






  • Co-ordination of Movement
  • Independence
  • Concentration
  • Social Adaptation



Age at Presentation:

Three years




Stage 2 – The second plat is done in the same way as stage 2, on the working mat by the child

Stage 3 and 4 – The child stands near to the shelf and uses both hands to make the plait





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